8119 Miles on Net 5 on Feb 5 at 5 pm

The film 8119 Miles directed by Joe Eshwar is now premiering in India on NET 5. “I am very happy that my film is premiering on Net 5 for the benefit of the India viewers,” says Joe who is also the writer, cinematographer and the special effects supervisor on the project. The film stars Ranji Vijayan, Kuriakose Oonnittan, Carl Wharton, Maala Parvati, and Guy Bleyaert.

The film tells the story of Gabriel D'Selva who is a mechanic from Goa, Western India. His greatest dream is to visit the UK, a dream that was born from a reason only known to him. He fails to secure a visa despite several attempts. A desperate Gabriel resorts to an ancient route used by illegal migrants to travel without documents. Along with a stranger, Anil, Gabriel travels across two continents, different time zones to his destination. Uncertainties, difficulties, deserts, Snow, cultures, and faith shape their journey. The film is a heartwarming story showcasing high production values and is a story that will appeal and be understood by the audience across globes.

The film premeires on Net 5 on February 5 from 5 pm onwards.
NET 5, is a web platform that aims at bringing world cinemas to the screens at your home. The platform has handpicked content that ranges across all genres. The primary objective of Net5 is to make sure, to keep its audience entertained with cinema that is not easily available but that critical acclaim to the same. Net 5 will be the exclusive platform in India to be hosting the movie 8119 Miles.
About The MAKER
The director of the film, Joe Eshwar is an Indian film director. His debut feature starring Charu Hasan, Anu Hasan and Biyon- “KUNTHAPURA”, a period drama set in the 1920s hit the screens in 2013. The film eventually won him Kerala Film Critics’ awards in 2014. 8119 Miles is his second feature as a writer for screen and director. 8119 Miles is in the official selection- Izmir International Refugee film festival, Turkey, Religioni Popoli Film festival, Italy, Laurus Film Festival, Estonia, List off Sessions, Pinewood. The film is a winner of Elizabethtown International Film Festival, Kentucky, United States, where it had its international premiere. To his credit, Joe has directed 26 documentaries and lives in the UK.
With movies like 8119 Miles content reach and content quality is surely going to see a new high. And the journey for NET 5 as the hosting platform has just begun as there is an interesting lineup of content waiting to be showcased.