Children are the future: Margo Cooper

Miss Bulgaria 2019 Margo Cooper, who has been to India last year, has a strong opinion on child labour.
Speaking on the child labour day she says, ”Poverty causes many problems and one of them is child labour. Around 10 million children have to work to survive. They don’t have an opportunity to get education as well. Statistics says nearly 42 million children in India don’t have access to education and don’t go to school. I truly believe and wish that every child could have the same opportunity to succeed. Children have the right to enjoy their childhood, to dream, to get an education and to become good professionals. I wish companies instead of breaking the law by hiring children would support their education. I hope the numbers of NGOs which build schools and provide education will increase in India, too. We all should understand that children are the future of any country and more we give them correct education and good childhood, the brighter will be our future.”